A minor and very forgettable giallo from Helia Colombo of which this is the only achievement(which can be understood ...).
The story is a little too talkative and if the rules of the genre are rather respected, the resolutionof the intrigue is quickly dispatched. As for the pseudo-scientific postulate, it gives the impression to have been added without coherence or link with history.
The only real "strong" point of this film: the four actresses who are naked there are ... uh ... frankly cute, starting with the beautiful Elena Veronese.
Who said it's already not bad ? Not me anyway ...;D
The Police Are Blundering in the Dark review

Blood for Dracula review

Rarely have we seen a count Dracula so abused on the screen. Lonely, desperate,sick with vomiting blood and not being able to move around other than a wheelchair,in a word: pitiful. A true vampire nightmare to which the brilliant Udo Kier lends himself in a hallucinatory performance which is already a milestone. We are far from Hammer productions: total transgression of gender codes, explicit eroticism, criticism of bourgeois society well-meaning, openly proletarian theme, shock finale...
One year after the already monstrous "Flesh for Frankenstein", Paul Morrissey has unquestionably made one of the craziest and most iconoclastic vampire films ever.
Cinematic madness!
One year after the already monstrous "Flesh for Frankenstein", Paul Morrissey has unquestionably made one of the craziest and most iconoclastic vampire films ever.
Cinematic madness!

Frontera Verde review

A series damn captivating that this Colombian "Frontera Verde" whose thematic subject
clashes with current production.
Carried by the natural charisma of Juana del Rio and Angela Cano, "Frontera Verde" plunges us to the heart
of the Amazon jungle and the ancestral magical and supernatural rites of Indian tribes from Latin America (or at least what's left of it ...).
An initiatory or even hypnotic story doubled with an ecological message far from being in vain and whose falsely languid rhythm will necessarily discourage the (more family) audience of TV series usual (more commercial).ย
clashes with current production.
Carried by the natural charisma of Juana del Rio and Angela Cano, "Frontera Verde" plunges us to the heart
of the Amazon jungle and the ancestral magical and supernatural rites of Indian tribes from Latin America (or at least what's left of it ...).
An initiatory or even hypnotic story doubled with an ecological message far from being in vain and whose falsely languid rhythm will necessarily discourage the (more family) audience of TV series usual (more commercial).ย
Total immersion guaranteed! A real discovery!

Spiral review

This honestly produced film is quite clearly in line with these critically acclaimed "new wave of horror" films (a little too much in my opinion ...) and carried in particular by Ari Aster and Jordan Peele (I much prefer Robert "The Witch" Eggerts...).
Paranoia, fear and fascination of sects, atavistic intolerance of difference, even cannibals (!) ... All this is packaged correctly but unfortunately with airs of deja vu.
Paranoia, fear and fascination of sects, atavistic intolerance of difference, even cannibals (!) ... All this is packaged correctly but unfortunately with airs of deja vu.

Spiral review

Obviously, there is no need to constantly refer to Richard Matheson's literary masterpiece to appreciate this free adaptation of Boris Sagal. "The Omega Man" is nothing more than an excellent B-movie of old-fashioned S-F. Still breathtaking almost 50 years later. With a legend named Charlton Heston.

Spiral review

This japanese animated is so funny, so naughty, so kinky but...a little too perverse for the moderators of Listal. Come on guys! Let it go for a while...

Enjoy the girls...

This japanese animated is so funny, so naughty, so kinky but...a little too perverse for the moderators of Listal. Come on guys! Let it go for a while...

Queen's Blade: Wandering Warrior review

This japanese animated is so funny, so kinky, so naughty but...a little too perverse for the moderators of Listal. Come on guys, it's like cartoons! Let go for one time in your life...

Franklyn review

A work quite elusive and unclassifiable as this strange "Franklyn". We could risk placing it at the crossroads of a "Dark City", a "Watchmen" or even a "Brazil". In vain because the film by Gerald McMorrow (unknown to the battalion) ultimately belongs only to himself. It is in a way a beautiful object that is both singular and fascinating, sometimes sparkling, sometimes exhausting. You can love it while being a bit annoyed, or hate it while recognizing it with real narrative and aesthetic qualities. Place your bets! I vote for (and not just because I'm crazy in love with Eva Green, huh?).

Keoma review

Anyone who appreciates the sublimated westerns of the two great Sergio (Leone and Corbucci) will enjoy this jubilant "Keoma", probably the best achievement of Castellari (a great Italian bis maker often underestimated). Stoked with derision, brilliantly filmed, uninhibited and rather atypical, this film really doesn't demerit alongside the most illustrious representatives of the genre (do not talk to me about pasta or I make a misfortune ...). Franco Nero is flamboyant (I love this guy!) And we find with pleasure the beautiful Olga Karlatos (seen in "Gloria Mundi" and "Zombi 2"). In short a beautiful crepuscular western that makes me say that, frankly, the 70's were something anyway ...